Step up your workflow


The Conditional Fields App is packed with valuable features to increase your productivity and improve your development experience. Pick how a field is displayed, communicate clearly to editors and set field values based on conditions. Get started today!

Decide how it looks

Edit the Field Appearance

The way Contentful apps are applied normally negates the functionality of choosing different modes for individual fields. The Appearance Module bypasses this and makes it possible to change the appearance of the field from within the Conditional Fields App.

For example, you might want to show a field as a dropdown to choose a page view style, or as a set of radio buttons. Whatever your use case is, the Appearance Module makes it possible.

Clear communication to editor

Custom Explanation Messages

By default, Conditional Fields will add a label to the field that is being hidden by a condition, explaining why the field is hidden. You can choose a message of your own, or hide the label entirely. Contentful will however still display a label that the field is hidden, which is a limitation of Contentful apps.

With Custom Explanation Messages you can communicate clearly to the editor why a field is hidden, and what they need to do to make it visible again. This is especially useful when you have multiple rules for a field, and the editor needs to know which rule is being fulfilled.

Automatic values

Set field values based on conditions

Sometimes you want to set a field value based on the conditions of the rule. Given the right conditions, you can set a field value to a specific value.

Are you setting up a rule to hide a field if a checkbox is checked? You can also set the value of that field to false.

Easy release workflow

Rule Cloning

Avoid copying all your rule from one environment to another one. With this tool you can simply select a environment in the same space and clone all rules into your current environment.

Simplifying the workflow for releases by cloning the development environment into the master and then just cloning the rules inside the app. Simple and easy without making any mistakes doing it manually.

Guide your editors

Custom help text

The custom help text can be set based on a conditional rule to be displayed in the entry editor. This feature is particularly useful for sharing information with editors in certain scenarios. This will make the editing process more efficient and intuitive for your team!

However, if you want a help text to be displayed unconditionally at all times, ensure to set this in the Appearance section of the content model. This ensures that your help text appears consistently, regardless of any conditional rules applied.

Cut development time today.

Getting started with Conditional Fields for free now!